It is because brimstone is associated with fire and burn by definition. (see detailed definitions below)
I urge you to read the following definitions while keeping in mind the sport of soccer and the known qualities of the two teams.
The following are definitions of Brimstone from
brimstone (brmstn) n.Sulfur. Damnation to hell. Fiery or passionate rhetoric: "the great American evangelist of Yankee bargain-hunting, converting us... with the brimstone of his secular preaching" (Rushworth M. Kidder).[Middle English brimston, from Old English brynstn. See gwher- in Indo-European Roots.]Source: The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
brimstone - An inflammable mineral substance found in quantities on the shores of the Dead Sea. The cities of the plain were destroyed by a rain of fire and brimstone (Gen. 19:24, 25).In Isa. 34:9 allusion is made to the destruction of these cities. This word figuratively denotes destruction or punishment (Job 18:15; Isa. 30:33; 34:9; Ps. 11:6; Ezek. 38:22).It is used to express the idea of excruciating torment in Rev. 14:10; 19:20; 20:10.Source: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary
[Middle English burnen, from Old English beornan, to be on fire, and from brnan, to set on fire; see gwher- in Indo-European Roots.]
Burn \Burn\, - To harden or impart a finish to by subjecting to intense heat; fire: Sports. To outplay or score on (an opponent), especially through quick or deceptive movement.
To have a condition, quality, appearance, sensation, or emotion, as if on fire or excessively heated; to act or rage with destructive violence; to be in a state of lively emotion or strong desire; as, the face burns; to burn with fever.
Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way? --Luke xxiv. 32. The barge she sat in, like a burnished throne, Burned on the water. --Shak. Burning with high hope. --Byron. The groan still deepens, and the combat burns. --Pope. The parching air Burns frore, and cold performs the effect of fire. --Milton.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
Word History: Primitive Indo-European had pairs of words for some very common things, such as water or fire. Typically, one word in the pair was active, animate, and personified; the other, impersonal and neuter in grammatical gender. In the case of the pair of words for "fire," English has descendants of both, one inherited directly from Germanic, the other borrowed from Latin. Our word fire goes back to the neuter member of the pair. In Old English "fire" was fr, from Germanic *fr. The Indo-European form behind *fr is *pr, whence also the Greek neuter noun pr, the source of the prefix pyro-. The other Indo-European word for fire appears in ignite, which is derived from the Latin word for fire, ignis, from Indo-European *egnis. The Russian word for fire, ogon' (stem form ogn-), and the Sanskrit agni-, "fire" (deified as Agni, the god of fire), also come from *egnis, the active, animate, and personified word for fire.
fire (fr) - The exothermic oxidation of a combustible substance. Intense, repeated attack or criticism Burning intensity of feeling; ardor. See Synonyms at passion. Enthusiasm. A severe test; a trial or torment. Discharged bullets or other projectiles: subjected enemy positions to heavy mortar fire; struck by rifle fire.
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Why Brimstone Cup?

Cup Wins: Dallas 8 - Chicago 3 - Ties 2
The Brimstone Cup Charter
To find out more about the Brimstone Cup's Rules click on the PDF to the left. You will find all the rules pertaining to tie breakers, point allocation, and just how these changes came about. This is an historic cup that is based on intergrity and winning.
The more the kindled combat rises high'r,
The more with fury burns the blazing fire.
Virgil, Aeneid VII (Dryden translation)
THE BRIMSTONE CUP- Dedicated to the victor of this unquenchable rivalry from the supporters of the beautiful game.