We are a group of FC Dallas fans who are "positive" thinkers. We are NOT a supporters group in the traditional sense. We are all about Family Fun and are a safe haven for supporters who have kids. In fact most of us are either Soccer Moms, Dads, Aunts or Uncles. We encourage a friendly, welcoming, and fun atmosphere in section 101 at all times. We always look for the positives in FC Dallas and support the team through good times and bad.
Our group is representative of the world, with members who are American, British, Irish, Scottish, Korean & French to mention just a few. Become a member and add your flag to our members row.
We welcome fans of all ages... families (with or without children), couples, Individuals, U21s, veterans, new-comers, and youth groups. If you love FCD and go to games to have fun in a positive way, you will find a home with us.

Our yearly on the field photo

This was George's second straight year as he won in 2012 also.

We Believe in FCD and FamilyFun